Kira lived with a family for 12 years, together with another dog called Wendi (who is still looking for a home – I found out about this later when Lilly and Kira already were here -). Then their ‘family’ suddenly decided they didn’t want them anymore, probably because they are too old and are having several health issues, and dumped them in a kill shelter…
Fortunately, Isabel was contacted about them – the same with Lilly 2 years before – so they could be saved. They found out that Kira has diabetes, so insulin treatment started right away. Also, her eyes were in a bad state and needed treatment. They still do need eye drops twice a day because she has KCS which means she can’t produce tear fluid. Although she is blind she still needs the eye drops otherwise they get inflamed.
When I was talking about Lilly with a friend of Isabel’s, I also asked about Kira, thinking they might already know each other. And yes, they lived together since they were rescued. Both diabetes, both blind, and both waiting for a forever home. And I fell in love with them both
Well, you know the rest of the story Our little girl is forever home, forever loved
~ Irene