New website!

Welcome to Little Belle’s Magical Sanctuary!

We proudly present to you a completely new website for our sanctuary. Of course, my website will stay online and active too, but we thought that an official website for the sanctuary would be a good idea.

I am very happy with what we created together, thank you so much for all your wonderful support and I hope that you will love this new website as much as I do  .


3 thoughts on “New website!

  1. Barbara Peterson says:

    Dearest Irene and family I am so excited about Belle’s Auction. I thought I had read somewhere about contacting you on intentions of sending an item for the birthday auction. I am having a friend of mine paint some rocks with Belle on them. I hope people will want to care them when they go for walks much like your beautiful family. Or they can leave them as magical gifts for others as they walk. You and Belle and all the love your family extends to others has brought so much joy to me. Thank you. I have send my email address and need instructions on how to get my auction teams to you. I look forward to hearing from you. Please give love to all of the sweethearts .

    • LittleBelle says:

      Dear Barbara, thank you for your beautiful words and that you would like to contribute to Little Belle her special birthday auction! Your idea sounds wonderful 🙂 I haven’t received an email yet, so maybe you can check if it’s still in your inbox? Love, Little Belle & Irene

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